Monday, September 1, 2008


It is worse than I feared,
this family is truly insane.
Speaking of family....
I was on the train today touring around Angers (I think that's how it is spelled) and there was a British women in front of me and her friend was behind(me). Anyway, she turned around and yelled to her friend then looked at me and said how sorry she was for yelling in my ear. I looked at her and said quiet honestly that I was unaware she had spoken. Then proceeded to "TRY" and explain our family.
Thought you all would enjoy my little story of the day. If you would like another Abbey Story and have not yet heard of my pet duck, I'm sure mom would love to fill anyone in. (Okay and FYI the rents (parents) played a cold hearted part.)
Hope everyone is doing well!!!

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