Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dela - WHERE?

Hey there! I'm so glad your Italian friends validated the difficulty in locating DELAWARE. By the way..... no one knows where Royersford, PA is either..... :)

Anyway.... the USA misses your political views and commentary on the decline of our stock market. I miss your indignation about our international state of affairs. Hey! Lehman Brothers hit bottom! What do you think about that? Meryll Lynch is in the hopper..... thoughts? Tim.... this is definately a good case study for your Italian students. OK.... tell me more about the weather and view in Italy..... it's a far cry from the local home owners association challenges..... or the work that I should be doing right now..... tell me about the hills and thunder storms and the scent in the air. Your poetry is better than ..... well, I'll stop there. (don't read too much into that.... you're not THAT good!)

Miss you all much.
Emma.... thanks for the e-mail
Abbey.... wazzup with you?

1 comment:

Char said...

The current economic (and ethic) crises makes for some interesting classroom discussion, that's for sure -- and remember I'm teaching communications not finance!! The news is the textbook. Frightening. I'm not sure if you and I can afford to buy out AIG after Freddie and Fannie. "you and I" because of course the Federal government is us, right? "By the people, of the people, and for the people"? Hmmm, perhaps the Bush administration forgot that part of the Constitution and Bill of Rights that it's been eroding these past few years. And will someone PLEASE shut up that Palin woman? Is she related to Phyllis Shlafly or Ann Coulter? Just goes to show there are stupid women like there are stupid men.