Monday, July 28, 2008

Char what a fantastic opportunity for the entire family. I'm truly green with envy.

I've wanted to take a trip to Italy but Tom doesn't like to take flights that are so long he's required to use the bathroom. You think he'd like to visit his country of origin. His mother's maiden name was Zappia. His son and daughter-in-law were in Italy two years ago. Part of their trip included Serrento because that is supposedly where their ancestors came from. They found the little town where Tom, Jr.'s great-grandfather was born. Unfortunately, they couldn't get too much information because no one spoke much English and they do not speak Italian.

Sometime this fall my niece will be student teaching in Rome. My brother and his wife are planning to visit her sometime while she is there. It will be their first time abroad.



1 comment:

Char said...

We will be in Rome for about 4 days, early November, I think. Send us your niece's info; maybe we can connect with her. Tell Tom to avoid coffee or tea and take a sleeping pill before the flight; then he can get on the plane, sleep, wake up 7 hours later in Europe, and hit the loo in the airport!!!!