Thursday, August 28, 2008

Viva La France

Okay family, you are away! Tripping through some of the most elegant and exciting places I can only read about. It sounds as though your attempts at the language has brought out the very best in our French friends, happily. But then, much the same has been said of New Yorkers . . . and I found it exactly opposite when I was dragging my young son back and forth by train, bus and taxi at age 5. Almost all lent a hand, smiled and offered warm help.

So hugs, and keep the blog updated with pictures please.

Abbey, I visited your blog too! Risque pix of table dancing? or was that part of the singin debut?


1 comment:

zumbagirl said...

OMG I forgot my user name and password. Maybe you'll get this.

Saw M&D off on their big trip. They are too funny. Hope they have the time of their lives.

All the men are at the US Open this weekend with the addition of Rod and another friend. Viva La NYC
am at Lise's but go home today...yes, will be traveling through scenic rolling hills of Lancaster where I hope to catch a glimpse of those quaint Amish people in their darning garb. Later at home I plan a quiet raperion respet. Viva la Paradise.