Can't quite believe that it is now Thursday, 7 May! We have had an incredibly wonderful "jaunt" through England and Wales: 3 days in Winchester, where we visited the Norman Cathedral, the Great Hall (with the Round Table of King Arthur), and Chawton for Jane Austen's house; 2 days in Bath for more Austen and for the Roman baths and Gothic Bath Abbey; and Chepstow, Wales for Tintern Abbey, an ancient ruined castle, and lush Welsh countryside. Jen, Deena's friend from London, joined us there. We had a wonderful time together -- many laughs as we taught Jen the BS card game.
Now we are in York. Once a Celtic settlement that became in succession Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and finally Norman. The York Minster is larger than I remembered it -- and even more beautiful. Yesterday we went to Haworth, home of the Brontes. It was cloudy with spots of rain; looking over the moors, I could just imagine Heathcliff and Cathy walking the heather!
The highlight so far, though, has been reuniting with the family I lived with when I spent a summer here. Abbey played detective and found Malcom and Margaret's phone number. We have corresponded regularly but haven't spoken or seen each other for 37 years. They are all well, and I saw Sarah, their daughter who was 2 when I was here last, with her daughter, Tilly, who (as she put it) "used to be 3 but am now 4" in her lovely Yorkshire accent. She and Emma became buddies. After a visit at the home (I even remembered "my" bedroom), we had dinner at the local pub.
Today, Malcolm and Margaret are taking us to Scarborough -- one of my favorite places to go when I was here. There's now an aquarium there which Emma wants to visit, plus we'll see the castle. Late this afternoon, we will head to Stratford-upon-Avon to join Deena who is leaving for there this morning. Jen will be there with her 18-month old daughter, Zoe. No doubt another evening of laughter and fun.
I can't help but think how blessed we are with friends -- new and "old."